Maison Berger Moss Green Land Bouquet Set

Anthony Gambus is the man who designed this Diffuser. He is an industrial designer with a focus on consumer products with ergonomics and technology as the focus. His motto is always to create ideas and be creative for everything in all areas. The fragrance included in this product is Wild Flower. Wild Flower is a light scent that gives a mix of citrus and green notes that make the home’s atmosphere light and fresh. The heart of the scent consists of wild flowers that are enhanced by carrot seeds that give a powdery feeling. The bottom note is filled with sensual wood, white musk, cork, oak moss and cashmere to give a sensuality and hint to the wild Top note: Panicaut, citrus, green notes Middle note: Carrot seeds, wild flowers, iris Bottom note: Wood, white musk, oak moss and cashmere wood. This Product contains 115 ml and it lasts about 4 weeks depending on how many sticks you have in and if it is in a place with a lot of draft. Have any questions about Maison Berger? Simply click here to go to our Maison Berger FAQ page.We apologise that Maison Berger products are not available for delivery outside the UK.